Fill Up The Hole is a game where you help peons create as much garbage as possible and toss it into a hole. Watch your village grow and evolve as you unlock new upgrades and features.


  • Left click to interact
  • Right click\wasd to move camera
  • Shift-wasd to move faster


All feedback welcomed! There's a chance of losing your save game when there's an update.

Updated 23 hours ago
StatusIn development
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(21 total ratings)
AuthorFluffy Lotus
GenreSimulation, Strategy
Made withUnity, Aseprite
Tags2D, Black and White, City Builder, Idle, Incremental, Mouse only, Singleplayer
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
AccessibilityColor-blind friendly, High-contrast
LinksSteam, Steam

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I want to add quests\achievements. What type of achievements would you like to see?

Number of trash tossed?
Number of dead guys?
Number of trash you tossed yourself?
Number of smog clouds killed?

Threw away one of my small guys, he never came back  5/5

(6 edits) (+1)

i’m an absolute sucker for incrementals that have kinematic components. this is adorable, wishlisted on steam, guaranteed day 1 buy if you successfully release something.

i did however run into everything myocytebd mentioned below, and additionally:

‘power compress’ doesn’t have any visible effect. it doesn’t help that you can’t see how much is inside the compressor through any means i could determine.

‘throw all’ is very underwhelming, and doesn’t really seem to accomplish much. just a few objects from storage get tossed, not apparently helpful. (and again, i have no idea how much is in storage).

‘all happy’ is impossible to tell if it’s working, because peon happiness doesn’t seem to be visible.

‘clones’ is pretty neat, but unreliable; sometimes it gives a lot fewer bonus peons than i expect.

‘compress all’ is very misnamed. it doesn’t actually seem to remove any garbage from the map, just generate new garbage on top, and it doesn’t even seem to be proportional to what’s currently on the plateau.

‘bulldozer’ is the only one of the powers that actually seems to mostly work as intended, although when you need it most (you have a big hill, esp after an earthquake) is the time it is least effective, due to the way garbage just flows over and behind it.

additional weirdnesses: after a while my peons started only carrying 1 or 2 garbage despite being trained up to 7. they’re also very prone to diving in the pit despite trying to use ‘all happy’ (making me suspect it doesn’t work right either). restart appears fix it, at least

~~navigating the upgrade screen is very difficult. wasd/arrows don’t seem to work, left click to drag doesn’t work, right-click to drag SORTA works, but it creates a new tab in my browser first (???) so i have to close that, then the drag state is locked until i right click to release it. (browser is vivaldi on linux, in case that matters)~~ (bah, strikethru not supported here)

it turns out i had some weird gesture feature turned on that interfered with right-click drag. fixed now. blah. (i would still like to be able to use the keyboard to navigate the upgrades screen)

settings don’t appear to be remembered across restarts.

hardness appears to result in buildings going NEGATIVE on stability after earthquakes, which as myocytebd notes means no more yellow shards. so i’ll probably have to start a new run to keep messing with this, and NOT pick up that upgrade.

These are all very good points, I'll add them to my list! If you play and think "I wish I had this power/ability", let me know :)


honestly the biggest thing missing for me is more info. when i look at a building, i want to be able to know more about its current state

how much does it hold? how much CAN it hold? how fast is it doing stuff? what were the upgrades i bought earlier that i can’t remember? what exactly does it mean when it says it multiplies by peons?

i’ll think on the power thing more tho

(1 edit)

The many cloned peons seem to have a higher chance to get stuck, and often in the same/nearby place. It might be the reason that you think fewer peons are spawned.

(2 edits)

The new version looks good: less bugs, better performance and improved gameplay.

Now the most efficient way to fill the hole seems to be make a hill of garbage and let them fall in by gravity. It is hilarious, but unfortunately game is not yet performant enough to be played this way.

Some bugs are not fully resolved:

- Peons occasionally freezes; (throw them does help)

Some new problems:

- Bug: building UI buttons "click through" to building button;

- Bug: peon inside building may disappear, and the building cease to function until restart; reassigning peons does not help.

- Upgrade: +stability at earthquake seems to be an anti-upgrade (at level > 1), cos it lead to no yellow shards drop.

- Minor bug: Train UI displays upgrade lv.10 is "Max" at building lv.5, but not if lv>5.

- Bug: Drone max level upgrade doesn't allow upgrade > lv.4 if upgrade happens after 1st drone built. (doesn't recover after restart; but may recover after some random time)

- Bug: Upgrade - keep money after earthquake does not work;

- Bug: sometimes game suddenly spawns tons of garbage at the middle of map.

Thanks for the list! I'll fix those in the next version. Always think I've fixed the peons but they find a way of being lazy :(

  • Bug: Upgrade - keep money after earthquake does not work;

  • Bug: sometimes game suddenly spawns tons of garbage at the middle of map.

as far as i can tell, the latter is actually the implementation of the former; you “keep money” by getting a bunch of low value garbage that adds up to the kept percentage.

imo these need to be higher density; low tier 1 point garbage just ends up flooding the map and there’s nothing you can do about it, and you can’t remove upgrades

Hope the new skill tree is fun! Looking at adding more upgrades and adding more utility to some buildings.

Late game is unplayably buggy:

1. Peons definitely get stuck at drop site/catapult (within a few seconds), if speed is upgraded;

2. Peons randomly permanently freezes (throw them does not help);

3. Peons definitely jump into hole at respawn (within a few minutes) (throw them does help);

4. Earthquake freezes for dozens of seconds;

5. Ballon does not respawn after building detroyed by stability;

6. High level building upgrades never pay back because stability drops way too fast;

Thanks for the list! I'll look at all the the items. I do have trouble with peon being lazy :(

I'm curious, when you say "late game" how many earthquake did you do ?

I don't if it is supposed to be "late game", but I mean that bug/performance/data is preventing game progress/scaling-up with reasonable UX.

A. Peons are effectively capped at 16-20 (because player may easily lose more than half peons after earthquake, within seconds).

B. Earthquake freezes for seconds (and chrome prompts unresponding) at 10K or so.

C. A lv.6 catapult can incur a very visible stutter at destruction; any building beyond that will freeze for >=0.5 seconds.

D. Upgrade >=5K is very unlikely to pay back. Extra buildings/slots are expensive.

(I am a programmer)

I would say that these bugs, minus performance, are trivial to fix.

The performance problem is probably non-trivial because unity is hyper ineffecient, maybe unity physics + gameobjects should be avoided in the first place.


When peon count > house capacity, peon doesn't respawn on loss (due to jump  or thrown into hole).

I was trying something new. With the building upgrade cost changed, the peon will not respawn if there isn't enough capacity. I'm currently building the new upgrade tree and there are upgrade for initial max capacity and to prevent peon dying.

Peons commit suicide really fast -- unless the new upgrade is immediately available on 1st earthquake, it would really annoying. Why not directly fix this trivial bug?

Hopefully the new "skill tree" screen will make it easier to use. Should all node be visible or only visible as they get unlocked?

version 0.06 is a bit better than 0.05 but I like the way it feels
(2 edits)

Fun little game! Here is a long rambling post of minor stuff with no high-level feedback.

A couple bugs:

1. The power building doesn't release workers when you click minus or destroy it, so eventually it says you have 0 peons and none of them can do anything.
2. If you interrupt a peon repeatedly, or the catapult sends stuff near the pit, it just sits there and no one picks it up. (can be fixed with bulldozer, etc).
3. When you click + or - on the number of workers, there's a UI bug where sometimes it selects a neighboring building
4. In "Training", after level 1 the text overflows and you can't read the requirement.
5. Rarely, a rock can fall through the ground from the clouds
6. Not all output/throw upgrades work for all buildings. Don't remember which ones, sorry. Also some buildings don't have the option
7.  Peons can sometimes end up standing in place. If you move them, the "peons at a desk job" counter goes down and they can do something again.
8. For some reasons peons sometimes just charge straight into the hole. Don't fix this, it's hilarious.
9. The first time I put down a power building, the stability drained REALLY fast (like 4x other buildings). Only the first time.
10. When Power is destroyed, the little power icons don't immediately go away under neighboring spaces.

Some other nits which aren't really bugs:
- Building unlock scaling is much slower than earthquakes, so you end up with leftover blue tokens. I'd make buildings wear out faster (but return more resources when they're destroyed).
-More than one training tier, please!
-There's not too much point to houses after the beginning. If rest helps, I don't know how, you can't get it to stop pooping trash, and once you have peons, they don't disappear without houses.
-I'd recommend hiding anything that isn't available yet, instead of writing "not implemented".
-In Research, it would be good to hide (or move the the bottom) completed research
-I'm really reluctant to build new things or upgrade near the earthquake. What if it just reduced a lot of stability, instead of destroying stuff? Or probably better, what if when a building was destroyed, you got all the resources back? (just as garbage)
-The middle game is pretty boring, not much new to do
-The first time the pit fills up, it's not very obvious what to do. Maybe give all the peons a thinking bubble so you know why they stopped? It was especially confusing to me that the guy carrying the orange thingy stopped, because I didn't know what it was yet, and he was moving so slow to start.
-Clouds are a bit pointless. By the time I realized I could click them, they were worth nothing.
-Needs more sounds!
-Make the cooldowns for everything more different. Some buildings should wear out faster, the bulldozer and clones should take different lengths of time, etc.
-Generally, the game make my CPU fan turn on, better performance would be nice to not kill my battery.
-The catapult pipe shouldn't need another worker

Oh PS I unlocked everything except Drone and Balloon (and I think I never bought a machine gun)

This is a really good quality list! A lot to think about.

"catapult pipe shouldn't need another worker": I was thinking of this one, I thought the pipe was a strong upgrade and needed a downside.

"I'm really reluctant to build new things or upgrade near the earthquake": The first idea behind it was to have some sort of 'prestige' that a lot of incremental games have. At the same time, building getting destroyed might be annoying for some.

(2 edits)

The problem isn't really that stuff getting destroyed is annoying. Imagine a big banner that says "in 5 minutes, you will level up and everything will be destroyed".

The problem is that those 5 minutes are now boring, there's nothing to do in them. (If you reset $ too, I might spend it but the minutes are still pretty boring)

I understand what you mean now and it make sense. I'll probably have to go with one of your suggestion.

I'm currently trying something new first. The money spent on a run will determine the reward given (ex: need to spend 300$ to get a blue shard and the extra is given back).

The Drone isn't useful right now since it interact with the cloud.

(1 edit)

hey friend, can you give new skills for long term play

I will :)

Right now, I'm working on fixing issues and properly doing the building upgrades. I'll look for new skills and upgrades after.


(2 edits)

Funnily enough, there are no real change notes. Also fantastic, new version doesn't use old save.....


New update, 0.05! The game is starting to get the vide I'm looking for.


it crashes when my level 3 house died

also the catapult

Thanks for the info. There should be a new version at the end of this weekend. This should be fixed.

(4 edits)

Pathing is a bit weird, I wish there was research for making the peons prioritize filling the catapult. also even after training, they don't always pick up two nodes. Also the peons don't always go into the buildings you assign them too. and if there is an error or a problem, it would be nice if there was a popup or something.

I found that after the power building goes down the first time, I have to save and refresh the page to get peons to go into the building. Is the stability random? I feel like I JUST build an industry building and it popped 30 seconds later. 

Also do you have a discord to post bug reports?

There is a Discord but nobody visited it so I stop linking and looking at it. You can post things here for now.

I'll look into all the things you wrote. Peons sometime get lost. They usually just do what is the closest to them. When a peon is assigned a building, it's a bit random and could be someone that is in the house...

Stability starts at 150 and then goes up by 500 every time it goes to 0 (150, 500, 1000, 1500, ...). The stability goes down by the number of earthquake. For example, after 3 earth quake, the stability goes down by 3 points.

I still need to find a better system. Maybe I'll just make it go down by 1 all the time or maybe the building shouldn't get destroyed. I like the yellow shard concept since it allow people to choose which building blueprint to get. This makes the game a bit less linear.

Game crashed at fourth earthquake, was funny.


If you got a good build, let me know. I'm curious to see them.

when you keep putting already compacted stuff it eventually gets to millions of dollars for one item. Also when is next update I am curious what the store and electricity does 


Seems I broke it. I used a lot of compressors and made really pricy stuff, but it broke the system and I have negative $116,819,716

Even if it bugged out, I had a ton of fun with the game for what it is so far!  Keep up development!  Would love to see what this becomes! Fantastic work! 

I'm soo focus on the first 30 minutes of the game, I've never been this far!  :)

you cant unlock compresser

Thanks for the quick reply, I just put a new version.

V0.03 added. Is the new web version size too big?

Lovely game! Excited to see where you take it.

guys run int to pit infinitely to often just completely breaks units...

when is update?

I'll be working on it this weekend but I don't think I can add anything major with all the fixes that are needed :( I don't want to guarantee any big update soon.

Eh shit gets stuck too much, upgrades and whatever don't help. Finished game woulda done more but the rock physics are breaking often and catapaults will fire and just spawn rocks above themselves. I'll be back if/when you update this was fun 

Rock get stuck a lot, Compressor related or many object related. Don't have peon upgrades to carry more yet might help a lot

give the game someautosave.
had it running unattended for a while, tons of stones and clouds an screen, so it basically froze.
tried to press save, it even made the yellow effect.
but upon reloading the page, game was back to the manual save point from ages ago.

have it like auto save every minute or so, that would be nice :-)

Pretty addictive, can't wait to have more content. I know this is work-in-progress but here are some improvement ideas / issues that I bumped into it (which are not already mentioned):

Left click outside of the info window should close the window.

When an info window is open, I can click "behind" it. e.g. can open other info window unintentionally (could happen easily when zoomed out).

Catapult: "Need a second peon to operate the pipe" -> "a second" should be replaced by "an additional" or something as there could have already been 2 peons already.

Zoom with mouse scroll should be disabled if the mouse cursor is in the info window.

After a while, peons stop working and dragging them manually doesn't help. I have to exit and continue.

(1 edit) (+1)

Came for the title (I knew this wasn't NSFW, btw);

Stayed for the gameplay;

Left for the bugs (I get this is in development).

I'm sincerely interested in coming back to this game in the future.

I really like the concept and I really hope you continue developing it.  There are a lot of bugs currently but I look forward to seeing how this evolves from all your hard work. :)

I posted the prototype to get feedback from close friends and didn't expect to get so many views. Thanks for all your messages! I'm reading all of them and my to-do list got bigger :)

(1 edit)

Need more houses. Bulldozers clip underground if there's too many stones on the left side when it spawns.


Bulldozer Guy got stuck mid air, because I had too much garbage in front of him.


I think i found some  bugs:

- peons jump of the edge - i dont know why

- training center is training only to level 2

- industry can be upgrade only to level 4 even its showing option to upgrade to level 5

- peons running without any sense - why they dont not collect closest garbage?

- buldoger is falling from the map at the beginning

(2 edits) (+2)

the catapult stops working after getting the compressor

Switch the Compressor and the Catapult out with each other. The catapult tries to fire its garbage at the opening of the compressor. And since it can't throw backwards it just simply lets the garbage fall down.


performance when theres a ton of stones on screen isnt very good and then when i hit the bulldozer it just deleted everything and crashed. 

but otherwise really fun, similar to gnorp analogue

Hello! Dev here. There's still a lot to do but let me know if you like the beginning or if I should throw this game in the hole ;)

info boxes dont properly fit

You can move the screen with right click.

There's a little scrollbar when items don't fit. Maybe I should resize the panel and hide some rows when not needed to fit everything.