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Pess Kit


Sequel to Magirune 1, a beloved 2d dungeon crawler in the spirit of old school classics. The game continues on the same concept with additional dungeons and more items.

Donations and comments

Just want to say a big thank you for all the people donating and commenting. Building a game takes time and it's hard to know if people actually like it. Comments, rating and donations tells me the game is on the right track :)


Press the arrow icon in the bottom right to play in full screen.

W, A, S, D or Arrows Movement
Z Information Menu
X Use potion
1\2\3   [] Change Weapon

Killing an enemy the first time gives 10xp. Next time it is killed gives 1xp.

About Magirune 2

Follow us to be updated on all the changes. To make it easier for everybody to try the game, a web version is available.

Discover the strange secrets in this part of the world

A volcano started being active again. Water in the city became more and more scarce. Mining in the search for water was the only option. While digging, strange artifacts were found. Archaeologists and explorers started being interested. Learn more about the world and the dark secret behind some peoples actions.

In the spirit of old school 2d dungeon crawlers. Travel multiple levels with different enemies and puzzles. Discover items to gain new abilities which allow to go even further.


  • Explore different dungeons with multiple floors.
  • Battle enemies in the right order with a simple combat system.
  • Solve different type of puzzles using acquired items.
  • Normal and hard mode.




  • The stairs graphic in Temple B2 was showing the wrong direction.
  • Fix a typo on the end screen, retreived -> retrieved.
  • The number of shadow enemies should not all be 20.
  • Resetting the bonus level should set the life properly.


  • Release! Thanks to everybody that gave feedback :)


  • Change the 3 weapons
  • Reduced the size of the files
  • Hope the teleport freeze doesn't happen anymore


  • Teleport at the right place after death (not a full fix, could not find the real problem).
  • Remove the ability to grind easy enemies with the alarm.
  • Loading a game won't always fully heal the player.
  • Fix the sound slider.
  • Can't walk on the bombs anymore.
  • Added an X button to close the item menu with the mouse


  • Red slime is not properly called "Red Slime".
  • Removed an extra Red Slime.
  • Don't display weapon message when the demo girl is visible.
  • The player will shake when getting hit.
  • First level of temple designed.
  • No more hidden enemies.
  • Added the game logo on the splash screen.
  • Changed some text.


  • Added a bit more light on the path to the candle.
  • Make the footprint a bit more easy to see.
  • In some case, the start tutorial would go on top of the inventory menu.
  • Added a delay after a dialog appear to make sure Z doesn't close the message to quickly.
  • Only 3 quests items could be displayed at a time.
  • Redesign the enemy display section.


  • Pulse the player when the keyboard hasn't been pressed.
  • Added a small path to the mayor house.
  • Fire monsters don't make fire when the player is strong.
  • A skull appear in the room name when the player die in hard mode.
  • A new NPC appear at the end of the demo instead of a questions mark.
  • When dying from poison, the player would move in weird directions.
  • Change the behavior of the ESC keyboard button.
  • Added a small tutorial in the first house.


  • "New Game" option didn't properly create a new game


  • Fix bugs
  • Everything that I wanted for the demo is there


  • Modified most of the previous stages.
  • Added a new zone (the volcano).
  • More interactions with the in-game characters.


  • Added links to the different stores on the in-game menu. I don't want to bother people to much but I also want to increase the wishlist ;)
  • Hopefully the save/load works better.


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Magirune 42 MB

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I enjoyed the demo on kongregate! Too bad you don't have a mac version available.

If it's not possible for you to compile for the mac directly, maybe you could add the full wasm version as a download here on I'd be happy to play in my browser from a local copy, and a zip file with an appropriate html file + the necessary resources should work just fine.

I deleted my post about a potential softlock; I immediately found what I needed after making the post and felt dumb.

No problem. I'm trying to figure out how to build for mac.

I don't have a mac to properly test the build. If you have time, can you try the one from here?

Password: tungol

I'll have to remove the link in a few days.

I tested it out, and it almost works. It wouldn't start at first, with a "The application can't be opened" message. I went to troubleshoot, and what I found was that the actual binary wasn't marked as executable.  On mac or any other unix that can be fixed from the command line manually with: "chmod +x ./\ 2". I don't know how you'd fix that from a Windows machine or in your build process though.

After that it worked fine, with just one exception. The keybinding is slightly off for some reason. The dialogs in this build don't respond to the 'z' key, but are dismissed with the 'x' key instead. Menu is still bound to 'z' and drink potions is still 'x', so that's a little weird. Thank you for your efforts!

Thanks for the help! I'll see if I can fix these problems and put the build officially here.

I ended up playing through the Windows build via virtualization. I encountered what I think is a bug in the Magirune 1 dungeon. I was playing on hardcore mode, and after I obtained the sword I started getting 1 experience for every enemy that the sword auto-killed, and it happened every time I entered a room. This meant that by moving back and forth between two rooms with a lot of enemies, I quickly leveled up and the endgame became completely free. Something got crossed and it forgot that I was in hardcore mode and shouldn't get the re-kill exp, I guess.

Since I'm here I'll also mention that I somehow got 21/20 first kills of Shadow 4, and in the Magirune 1 dungeon it shows 1/20 first kills of Flame which I'm pretty sure isn't accurate. 

I also have something in my inventory that looks like a maybe a card? Rectangle that's orange on top and grey on the bottom, with some lines on it, and I have no idea what it is or at what point I obtained it. While playing I kept hoping that hovering the mouse over an inventory item would show a label in situations like that.

Anyway thank you for all your work! I enjoyed the game a lot.

Maybe it's a bug with the sword... The keycard is the last secret of the game, it opens up something on the overworld.

I'll write down the problem with the Shadow 4 and Flame, but I don't think I'll fix them for now.

Congratulation on finishing everything in hard mode !

Can you compile for mac, please? Or make it possible for me to play it through somehow?

I don't have a mac to compile :(  If the full version is available (for a cost) on a website like Kongregate, would that be an option?

I guess so, if it’s possible to publish that way.

Magirune 2 is a good puzzle rpg game! 

Thanks :)

Also, where can one find the rockers?

Deleted 2 years ago

They are somewhere in the first section of the temple.

It would be nice if the extra XP in hard mode could go to the next weapon

Great game! I really enjoyed playing it. Looking forward to the full relesase.

Thanks :)

I have just finished it. What an incredible game! Thank you for this experience!

Also, a minor feedback: there is a typo at the last scene, where it is written "retreived" instead of "retrieved".

I happy you liked it :) I will fix this typo in the next update.

Did you found the secret dungeon?

(1 edit)

I just notice, you finished it on hard, congrats! I don't want to push you or anything but if you want, a review would really help :)

YAYAYAY!! I love this! the first game was fun, but this has story!!!! and I wonder who the mouse/cat/albino girl at the end is... ooh, Im so excited!!! 

(1 edit)

I checked out again on a whim and saw some major updates to your game! Thanks for providing hours of fun. I just donated :) Best of luck with your Steam release!


Thanks a lot! That made my day :) I'm testing the full game, it should be out in January. I don't know if January is a good time for a release.

I'll keep my eye out for that! :)

When you reload the game, you restart at the home area and have full health. 

As I recall, in Magirune, you had to be very efficient in the game so that you did not run out of health potions and basically had to be perfect at the game to solve it in hardcore mode. It would be good to have fewer potions in hardcore mode and stop the feature about getting health back when reloading the game to make hard mode even harder.

I was able to end hard mode with 45 potions.

That's one of the top run I've seen!

The dungeons are separated by sections, each sections have 10 floors. In Magirune 1, section 3 had a higher difficulty. It will be the same in the full game. Hopefully it'll be ok.

The reload exists because I wanted to give a "chance" when people come back after they stop playing. The problem happen when people abuse and just reload. Reading you comment got me thinking. Maybe I could give full heath if there's a difference of 10 minutes between the last save and the reload.

How do I enter the Temple?

It's not built yet. It'll be in the full game when it's over.

ive had a death bug a few times now, where when dying, i respawn in the respawn room, but at the coords of my death location, its happened 3 times now, at 2 different checkpoints, twice it put me out of the playable area(Mayor's second checkpoint, i spawned on the robot conveyor on the right side of the screen), once it put me in a secret area, and the first time it happened was in the first cave, it put me in a wall in the bottom right

Other than this one bug, fantastic demo, keep up the great work!

I glad you liked it! I will definitely try to fix this bug for the next release, thanks.

How do you get the 3rd sword?

It wasn't supposed to be part of the demo at first. I decided to add a challenge, for the web demo version only, that will show a bit more of the game if someone can play hard mode without dying.

I think Lava B11 has a bug, you can push the boxes off of their slide paths.

Thanks for that! I just fixed it in my development version.

Congratulation on getting that far :)

Pretty much every time you make an update announcement, I replay the whole thing from start to finish.  

Soon I'll have to start making notes because there's still 2 places that I always get lost / overkill the same monsters so many times. 

I'm prepping myself for how MagiRune 1 had hardcore mode and you really had to strategize in order to get to like L9 before you get the super sword.  Right now in MagiRune 2 I re-kill way too many monsters and forget the order of the monsters and drink potions like they're going out of style.

I think there's prob 1-2 secrets I'm still missing, as I can see one scroll I can't get to, and I think there's a room with a secret I haven't get in.  

Great stuff, keep it up as you get time.  Hope all's well outside of the game!

(3 edits)

Just got the B5 Mayor secret / scroll!  That was sneaky!  Really gotta push random walls!!! 

Found the other scroll, and got 20/20 on all enemies in the first two realms and that last pet!

Is there a third sword?  I just saw there's a Volcano but I don't have a sword for it... very interesting. 

You start with a sword for the cave. There's an other sword for the mayor house. That's the end of the normal demo.

For the demo only, if you play hard mode without dying, there's a sword for the volcano. In the full game, there won't be this limitation. It's just an extra challenge for those that play web games. At the end of the volcano, it's the end of the demo.

Happy to hear you found all the scrolls! There's a mark for all secrets for some of them are very hard to see. I'll have to find a way to make sure they aren't to difficult to see.

(1 edit)

I actually found someone who did a "Let's play" on YouTube, saw the comment about hard mode, went back through and got the sword then finished the Volcano (some nice puzzles in there, love it). 

I've found 4 (actually 6 now) pets (the noise is perfect IMO). 

I think everything you have is pretty good for secrets, some are hard, but unless I'm missing a bunch of them, I don't think any are too hard.  

I did notice that I got 21/20 first kills on "green slimes" (the ones that look red in the volcano), not sure if that's a bug (the number and/or the name), I didn't go back and check my XP math.

I'm really curious about what looks like portals to me (I've seen 5 of them and noted their locations for next playthrough).

I did not find the green gem the man was speaking of, nor did getting the candle and taking it to the archeologist change anything there yet. 

I ended my hard playthrough, no deaths with like 30+ potions, there were a couple times I was down to 3, but I watered the old lady and then as soon as I got the barrel axe I was golden.  

This is amazing work bud!  I know you just do this in your off time, and I really love it.  I'm a developer myself (mostly boring stuff).  If you ever need any help / QA / etc, please let me know.  

Cheers again!

I've been walking around for hours... I really don't know what else to do.        awesome demo, btw  

For the question mark, that is the end of the demo. But, it sort of gives a hint on how you can see a bit more of the game. I'm happy that you liked it :)

but there wasn't the 3rd weapon in the question mark... and I still have to explore the volcano and it won't be possible without that weapon

That's the end of the demo on normal mode.

(1 edit)

love the demo! but for my impressions way to less health pots / nowhere to buy new ones xD

I'm happy you liked it :)

There's a way to get 1 potion when you don't have any but it's true that the quest isn't that obvious.


This is awesome! I'm hooked, lol. Reminds me of a game I played once that I can't seem to remember the name of… but it had a lot of cool puzzles like this. Speaking of that, I seem to be stuck on a box-push puzzle right now. Or two puzzles, technically. It's on "Volcano (Level: 2)". Here's a picture of it.

Anyway, onto my critiques/suggestions! The graphics are good, but at times it's a bit hard to tell things apart. It'd be nice if there was a bit more contrast, especially between the player and the background. Also, a map would be SUPER handy. I've forgotten where I've gone or where I'm going a lot while playing, so it'd be nice to have a way to keep track of that.

(2 edits)

nvm ig that puzzle doesn't do anything. i managed to finish the demo. found another area i hadn't explored.

(also, do you plan to have a mac release along with the windows release in the future?)

For now, I only plan an itch/steam windows full release and a web demo release.

ah, okay. good luck! it's really good so far!

Another fun game that brings me back to the original 8 bit era.

I have just played to where I assume is the end so far - Cave (Level: B18).

When I enter the room the character immediately starts walking into the wall, won't stop and none of the buttons work.

Is this where you're up to?

A few things that could be fixed:

When you load a game, your monster killing stats reset to zero. The game remembers if you've killed them before but your reference of ??/20 is back at zero. Also, your teleport locations and sounds preferences are wiped.

I have used the keyboard controls the whole time I played. I just tried using mouse but I found it far too troublesome. But upon closing the mouse controls the keyboard controls no.longer work and the game must be restarted.

Finally, a little typo in the '?' part of the 'Z' menu: "Potions are not unlimites..." (unlimited).

Also, the 'fighting' and 'potions' descriptions both begin and end with an unnecessary '?'.

Fun game. Another fun one. I like your games. Great stuff :)

I wasn't aware of these problems, I'll make sure they are fixed in the next version.

B18 is the end of the game for now. I'm happy you enjoyed the game :)

(4 edits) (+1)

Hey Fluffy! So excited to play your new prototype!

I had some first-time experience feedback which you may find helpful:

The music is great!

The lighting and dust particle effects are delightful.

So When I left the house the first time, I tried pressing down, but didn't understand why I wasn't moving. Then I realized there was a fence there. (Didn't see it at first.)

Similarly, when I started exploring the caves, when I went up/down the stairs, I sometimes wasn't sure where to move my eyes to find where the player was on the screen.

So it might be a matter of making it obvious where the player ends up on the screen after transitioning to a new map.

The checkpoint sprite felt a bit out of place, maybe because its texture was so grainy and sharp. Maybe if it were like softer balls of light floating up, it would fit in more. I felt like there needed to be some feedback to the player that something happened when you stepped on it (like a sound effect, or a flash).

The rocks blocking the path are a nice touch, but I felt they needed a reason for why they disappeared after a story event.

It wasn't immediately obvious that the mom and dad sprites are the player's parents. Perhaps they can be taller, or the player shorter or more childlike.

All in all, I started playing and was instantly hooked!

I rarely get good detailed feedback like that. I'll put those in my list of things to do. Thanks a lot!

Oh yes!!! Cannot wait!


Looking awesome so far.  Keep up the hard work bud!  Beers on me, cheers


Thanks for the donation! You didn't have to.